What’s the craic at LOVESPACE?

What’s the craic at LOVESPACE?

Give me some space!

If you love your space, your time, and your money, LOVESPACE has got you covered. We’re here to help students in Dublin with our cheap, flexible and reliable storage plans and services that are specially suited to save students time and money. Free collection and next day delivery are minutes away with LOVESPACE. Check out our website https://lovespace.com/ie/student-storage/.  We'll come to campus to pick up your stuff, store it for as long as you need and return it to you when you're back in Dublin, all ready for the next academic year. 


Hello stranger. 

Or not. Seen us around Dublin? No surprise there, thanks to our partners across the city. We are best placed to serve Dublin students thanks to our strong reputation across the city. Are you a student at Dublin City University, or living at Aparto, Host or Yugo? Then you’ll already know that we’re here to help, but whether you’re an old or new friend, we’re here for you.  

Use the exclusive discount code 'LOVEDCU' at checkout for a craic-ing (sorry, not sorry) €10 off our storage service. Lucky you! 🍀.