Student Bystander Intervention Programme

Since the launch of the DCU’s Student Bystander Intervention Programme last Monday through Student Support & Development, over 350 students have enrolled in the programme on Loop.

We would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to follow in their footsteps and help create a culture of respect and consent within the DCU community.

Why should I get involved?

Everyone has a role to play in preventing sexual violence and harassment. You are part of the DCU community, and with the right skills, you can make a difference by helping others, stepping in, and speaking up.

What will I learn from the programme?

The four online modules will teach you how to recognise unacceptable behaviour, what the barriers to intervention are and how to overcome them, and how to safely and effectively intervene. Workshop Five which takes place either in-person or over Zoom, will give you the opportunity to practice utilising the skills you learned during the online modules in a safe and supported environment. These workshops will be run the week of the 7th and 14th of February.

Students who complete the four online modules will receive a digital badge and those who attend workshop five will receive a certificate of participation.

I’ve already taken a Sexual Consent Workshop, why should I do more training?

The Bystander Intervention Programme builds on your knowledge of consent. It teaches you the skills to know when and how to intervene in a situation of sexual violence or harrassment.

You will learn about the 5'D's of Intervening which includes knowing how to non-confrontationally intervene when ‘banter’ goes that bit too far, to empowering you to step in if a friend is in trouble.

The Golden Rule of Bystander Intervention:Only intervene when it is safe for you to do so, and in an emergency call 999 or 112

Where can I enrol in the programme, and how long does it take?

You can enrol in DCU Student Bystander Intervention on Loop. Each online module takes about 30 minutes.