Ready, set SHAG💦!

We're horny for Wk.3, S.H.A.G Week!!! SHAG is all about having fun, getting informed and taking care of your sexual health. 

Want to find the clit or hop on our rodeo penis?   Learn how to get an STI test? Win a prize at sex toy bingo and refresh yourself on consent? There's something for everyone! 

(SHAG = Sexual Health Awareness & Guidance)

  • Missionary Monday:

    • Penis Pinata & 5 Senses Look and Feel

      • 12pm-2pm, Rainbow Steps

  • Tantric Tuesday:

    • Junk on the Hunk and Find the Clit

      • 12pm-2pm, The Street

    • Sex Toy Bingo

      • 7pm, The Venue, tickets available here

  • Wanking Wednesday:

    • Rodeo Penis & STI Testing

      • 11am-3pm, The Venue & Stretch Tent

    • Movie Night

      • 6pm, Pairc

  • Threesome Thursday:

    • 5 Senses Look and Feel, Shag Games

      • 12pm-2pm, Java, St. Pat’s Campus

    • Body Painting & Quiz

      • 6pm, The Venue

  • Freaky Friday:

    • SHAG Games

      • The Street, 12pm-2pm