INMO Protest

There will be a student protest outside of Leinster House at 1pm on Tuesday 2nd of November 2021 to highlight the unfair treatment of student nurses during the pandemic, in addition to the Minister not having published the long-term independent review of financial supports for student nurses/midwives (sometimes referred to as the Mc Hugh report) despite having been in receipt of the report from the 12th of August.

DCU Students' Union will be going to represent our many amazing student nurses and hope that you can join us! Student nurses have played an integral role during the pandemic, and before, for little recognition and no pay. We need better conditions and treatment of student nurses and midwives in Ireland.

We are organising free buses from campus to Leinster House on the day, as well as a poster-making night on Monday.

Please let us know below if you intend to make use of our bus(es) so we can organise accordingly.

We would also love it if you could make a submission for our social media as we would like to publicize and draw attention to the difficult experiences student nurses have been experiencing. This can be a quote or testimonial, or whatever you feel comfortable with. Thank you in advance!

See you there!

#UpTheNurses #PayStudentNursesAndMidwives