Extenuating Circumstances

If you have personal circumstances affecting your academic life, these are considered extenuating circumstances. You can informally ask your lecturers for support, eg. a short extension. You can also formally go through a process of applying for your extenuating circumstances to be recognised. This does not normally result in the awarding of additional marks, but you may be able to sit the exam or assignment at the next available sitting (usually during the August resits). Evidence will not be needed for circumstances lasting up to 5 consecutive weekdays, but any time after this will require supporting documentation, eg. a doctor’s note. Please consult the DCU website, your course chairperson/ module co-ordinator, the Student Advice Centre or VP for Wellbeing colette@dcusu.ie / VP Academic Life eoin@dcusu.ie for further advice before submitting. This post-covid arrangement was agreed with the University VP for Academic Affairs in consultation with Colette and Eoin.

More information can be found on the DCU website here.