Canteen Culture Feature - Week 9

Your VP for Diversity and Inclusion, Bobbie, has been working hard on diversifying the food in our canteens alongside the wonderful people of the DCU Canteen! Each week there will be a special dish from a new country 🌍

You can get your Canteen Culture Feature meal for €5 plus a bottle of water in the Main Restaurant on the Glasnevin campus and the canteen on the St. Pat’s Campus!

This week’s dish: Australian Chicken Parmigiana

This classic Aussie chicken dish – with roots in Italian-American cooking – is a staple offering on pretty much every pub menu in the country & was in ever Australian cookbook from the 1950s 


4 boneless skinless chicken breasts

Plain flour for dredging

2 cup fine dry breadcrumbs

75g grated parmesan 

25g caster sugar

1 tbsp. fresh rosemary, chopped

2 large eggs

1 cup vegetable oil, or as needed

200g free-range ham, medium sliced

1 bottle tomato passata

1 bunch basil

400g fresh mozzarella, sliced

1 white onion finely diced 

2 gloves of garlic finely diced

1 packet of spaghetti



  • STEP 1

  • Cut each chicken breast in half lengthways. Put the fillets on a board, cover with a sheet of baking parchment and bash with a rolling pin until they are the same thickness all over.

  • STEP 2

  • 3 bowls, 1 for the flour, 2 for the beaten eggs & 3rd for the breadcrumbs/ half the parmesan. Place the fillets one at a time into the flour to coat & dip into the egg & straight into the breadcrumbs & fridge (do this to all)   

  • STEP 3

    To make the sauce, in a shallow pan sizzle the garlic & onion in the oil. Sprinkle in the sugar and add passata. Add the herbs, season and bubble for 10-15 mins, stirring occasionally until thickened

  • STEP 4

  • Heat the sunflower oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat and cook the breadcrumbed chicken fillets for 3 mins on each side until golden and crisp. Arrange on a baking tray. Spoon a little of the sauce over the middle of each fillet, and top each with a slice of ham & mozzarella. Heat the grill to high. Cook the spaghetti following pack instructions, then drain and toss with the remaining sauce. Sprinkle the remaining parmesan & mozzarella over the sauce & Grill the fillets for 3-4 mins, until the cheese is melted and bubbling, then serve.